Obtaining and Characterizing TIN-LEAD Coatings on Steel Band

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Radu, Tamara
Ciocan, Anişoara
Vlad, Maria
The experimental research was at the basis of the hot immersion coating
technology with Sn-Pb alloy of the steel bands presented in the study. The
characterization of these layers was achieved through microscopic analyses and the
analysis of resistance to corrosion. Coatings with four tin-lead alloys were carried
out. The micro-structural aspect of the tin-lead alloys, the aspect of the covered
band surface, the micro-structure of the layers, the layer thickness variation
according to the duration of the immersion and the chemical composition of the
layers are presented. The resistance to corrosion was assessed through the
gravimetric index. The samples were exposed in sea water for five weeks. The
corrosion speed was determined for every type of coating, according to the period
of exposure to the corrosive environment and the kinetic process for the time
intervals studied.
- 2012 fascicula9 nr1 [14]