Quality Engineering Procedures Applied to Determine the Weight of Influence of Factors on Microtrigeneration Systems (mCCHP)

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Cazacu, Nelu
Badea, Nicolae
Dobrovici, Sorin
Microtrigeneration systems are characterized by simultaneous generation of
power, heat and cold for small applications (<50kW) and are designed for reducing
GHG and other emission degreases. The cooling generation by absorption or
adsorptions of heat is the most sensible stage of mCCHP systems.The paper si
based on the global mathematical model for a mCCHP system with thermal prime
mover. The conceptual design of an mCCHP and was estabilished the influenece
factors over the global efficiency of the system. The weight of influence factors was
made using a Quality Engineering procedure (typised orthogonal array. An
adequate mathematic model (ANOVA) was used for weight of factor influence
prediction, with a view to global efficiency maximization. The simulation results
showing signal and noise factors and these results are important for system design,
selection of subsystem, selection of materials and optimal regime settings.
- 2009 fascicula9 nr1 [33]