Entrepreneurial Phenomenon: Some Reasons for Career Choice Intentions
Toma, Simona Valeria
Chiriță, Mioara
Șarpe, Daniela
Afficher la notice complèteRésumé
Self‐employment and entrepreneurship become increasingly important in our modern
economies. This paper tries to provide a timely, definitive and comprehensive overview of
the field. The key issues addressed include the impact of ability, risk, personal
characteristics to the entrepreneurship. The aim of this article is to provide some
information that someone needs in order to decide if the life of an entrepreneur is right for
him or the decision to be a self employed is a good one. Making the choice on becoming an
entrepreneur can be a challenge. How to know if entrepreneurship is right or not is another
question. Also, understanding the attitude towards risk and the correspondent reward for
an entrepreneur is very important. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a review
and offer a theoretical extension of research on the psychological factors that influence the
entrepreneur behavior. There is a meaningful and positive relationship between all
psychological dimensions of empowerment (self‐efficiency, self‐determination, personal
consequence, meaning, trust in others) and entrepreneurship.
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