The employment - productivity - salary relation, a condition for achieving long - term economic growth
The employment-productivity-salary correlation is essential towards setting up conditions for economic growth and
lasting social stability. An influence exists from technological changes, current stage of economic development,
peculiarities of labour offer, employers – trade-unions interaction, etc. The analysis covers long-term and short-term
cycles. In keeping with specificity of development stages, national economy witnesses an interval of productivity
growth facilitating maximized employment and a rise in salary too. A lower growth rate indicates difficulties in
assimilating new technologies; a higher growth rate generates instability in employing labour. Thus, the exercise of
strong pressure is shown to exist on economic and technological structures. Likewise, this is what happens when
productivity goes ahead of the separate analyses of the correlations between employment and productivity, on the
one hand, and productivity and salary, on the other.
- 2005 fascicula1 [27]