An Assessment of Customer Behaviours Regarding the Romanian Postal Services
During the time the long distance communication has been one of the most important needs
of the humanity. In the absence of telecommunication the postal services have been the
main way of sending messages between people and other entities. Taking into account the
importance of this market we assessed the nowadays coordinates of the Romanian postal
market by conducting a research meant to identify the trends of postal services, the stage of
competition and the customers’ behaviours regarding these services. The results show that
the market is in developing process, with an increasing number of competitors but with a
low number of significant competitors able to provide services on a large scale. In this
context, the National Company Posta Romana remains the main market player but its
positions are strongly threatened by private competitors especially on those market
segments with high profitability. In order to defend its positions the national company has
to put in practice proper marketing strategies focused mainly on the development of
partnerships both with the senders and recipients of different postal deliveries, especially
those ones with a higher attractiveness for the competitors.