The Dynamic Simulation for a Cold Rolling Mill Machine
For a cold rolling mill machine that represents a mechanical system, the
dynamics problems may be solved by using the differential equations of their
movement. We must consider all the connections and couplings for the mill machine
that have too elastic elements like: springs, shafts and axes deformed through
torsion, spring bars, work rolls and back-up rolls.
The vibrations of the mechanical system must be monitored in order to identify
those components which cause problems when the damage of the mill occurs during
the operation.
In these mechanical systems, mobile rigid permanent couplings are used -
which transmit shocks and vibrations - or stretch couplings - which, due to the
elastic element, dampen shock and vibration.
Vibrations can appear, too, because of rolling strip that can have undulations.
- 2016 fascicula9 nr2 [10]