Industrial Electron-Beam Equipment on Base of Noble and Non-Ferrous Metals

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Grechanyuk, N.
Kucherenko, P.
Shpak, P.
Kroitoru, G.
Afficher la notice complèteRésumé
Method of obtaining of metals and alloys by melting – is basic. By this way make
in practice the majority of metals, alloys and ligatures. The essence of a method is,
that in special melting device (furnace) to melt metal or basic component of an alloy
and overheat it. After that, to liquid will add alloying elements in solid or liquid
condition. Temperature of liquid lead up to necessary level, make metallurgical
processing (refining, modifying), and then alloy spill to the foundry forms or
- 2006 fascicula9 nr1 [21]