Conceptual framework for cloud based ubiquitous learning environment through M-Learning
Cloud computing is a recent trend in storing and managing data over a network. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user's data, software and computation. Here, we propose a design where a ubiquitous learning could be possible through m - learning, where people (in our case students) can access data like lecture notes, assignments etc. on their mobile devices, from anywhere. A university can have a dedicated cloud which everyone could access and upload their content, which would be accessible from anywhere and easily run on mobile devices, be it any platform or operating system, making it convenient for everyone to access and read data without the use of heavy & expensive software. Student can access their college data from a dedicated web application or a mobile application synchronized with the university cloud. The next generation computing started with the advent of Cloud computing and this framework would integrate the energy efficient cloud based service with m – learning, making the education system cheap and paper free. The display limitation of these devices means that it is crucial to deliver the right content at the right time.