The Concept of Competitive Management for Manufacturing Systems
Competitiveness is a general characteristic of enterprises, ensuring their viability.
In economic literature, competitiveness is particularly analyzed from an economic
and managerial viewpoint, dealing with or not mentioning at all the role of the
technology in the assurance and increase of competitiveness, appears necessary to
manage the manufacturing systems based on comportamental modeling. The
comportamental approach is based on continuous acknowledgement of the
situations and on activity decisions made in real-time. Thus solutions can offered
for developing the competitiveness of the manufacturing systems based on theories
about knowledge and complexity. Comportamental management is characterized
through the ability to perceive the environment, making decisions on to the time,
according interactions, and without having specific procedures. The environment
of the system delivers on-line data considering the undertaken actions which will
generate, when they are analyzed and correlated, solutions for the system to obtain
increase of competitiveness.
- 2008 fascicula14 [17]