The role of the preventative management in the administration of Romanian organizations image
The entire economic, political, and social Romanian environment is undergoing a process
of quick transformation under the influence of some factors among which the most important are
Romania’s process of integration into EU structures, the globalization phenomenon, liberalization of
new markets, or the constant process of privatization. If we consider 2007 as the year of Romania’
integration into EU, the Romanian business environment faces an unprecedented challenge. In an
extremely short period of only a few years, public services organizations, trading companies or nonprofit
organizations must be in line with the European legislation and standards, in one hand, and on
the other hand, they must be very well prepared to face a direct competition with similar
organizations within EU or powerful multinational corporations. This preparation covers conceiving
adequate strategies, permanently perfecting management, promoting the concept of preventative
management, improving human resources quality, up-dating companies’ technological level.
However, the economic performance in a volatile and very competitive environment is unconceivable
without a good management of communication activities.
- 2005 fascicula1 [27]