Challenges in Corrosion Protection using Vegetable Extracts as Inhibitors-Electrochemical Studies

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Benea, Lidia
Dănăilă, Eliza Mardare
Bounegru, Iulian
Corrosion is an irreversible chemical or electrochemical reaction of a
material with its surrounding environment or medium which results in consumption
of the material or in dissolution into the material of a component of the
environment. Corrosion can provoke severe and expensive destructions in any field
of activity from transportation, home appliances, water and gas alimentary systems,
energy production systems, chemistry, metallurgy, semi-finished production,
bridges and public buildings, etc. The main important reasons of corrosion
phenomena study are: economics, safety and conservation. The economic point of
view includes the cost of material losses resulting from the above activity fields and
may involve piping, tanks, ships, hulls, marine structures, etc. The corrosion costs
also include the losses of energy and water reserves accompanying the production
of metals and the need for expensive replacements for the corroded ones.
Unexpected failures of equipment and devices because of weakening of structures
induced by corrosion may reduce the safety criterion, which in the design of
equipment for nuclear power plants and for disposal of nuclear wastes is critical.
The effects of corrosion on the safe, reliable and efficient operation of equipment or
structures are often more serious than the simple loss of a mass of metal. Finally,
the third important consideration for which the corrosion phenomena must be
studied is conservation of mineral and metal resources, whose world supply is
limited. Several techniques have been applied to protect metallic structures against
corrosion. One of the most important methods in that regard is the use of corrosion
inhibitors. A corrosion inhibitor is a chemical substance that, when added in small
concentration to an environment effectively prevents or decreases the corrosion
rate. Inhibitors slow down the corrosion process by: increasing the anodic or
cathodic polarization behavior, reducing the movement or diffusion of ions to the
metallic surface and increasing the electrical resistance to the metallic surface. The
paper presents some experimental results with vegetable extracts acting as
corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel and copper in acidic and neutral
- 2014 fascicula9 nr3 [12]