Applications Based on Variabile Frequency Rotating Magnetic Field Electromechanical Agitator With Dual Direction

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Țanța, Ovidiu-Magdin
Poienar, Mihaela
Nițan, Ilie
Cenușă, Mihai
Romanescu, Adrian-Neculai
This paper presents a series of experimental results obtained by studying the
specific effects and phenomena of the rotating magnetic field. During the research,
an interesting phenomenon, specific to the variable frequency rotating magnetic
field, was noticed. Thus, a ferromagnetic metal ball placed in the rotating magnetic
field, rotates in the field direction until it reaches a critical speed. If the speed of the
magnetic field continues to increase, the ball reverses its rotation direction, even if
the magnetic field direction remains the same. This has led to the development of
stands and experimental installations including the dual direction
electromechanical agitator described in this paper.
- 2015 fascicula9 nr2 [16]