Behaviour of the Mobile Phones Owners Relating to the Management of Theyr Devices

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Ciocan, Anișoara
Today mobile phones have become apparently indispensable. They are the
most used electronic devices in the world. The useful life of a mobile handset is
decreasing; life cycle is diminished as a result of the speed of technological
innovation. Unlike other appliances for personal use, mobile phones are often
replaced due more technological moral wear than their malfunction. Another
particularity in the evolution of mobile phones is the number of devices utilized. In
the case of mobile phones, along the years, the total number of devices used
increased extraordinary. As a result, the amount of wastes equipment is in
constantly growing and is increasingly higher. This situation calls their
environmentally sound management and economically advantageous for recovery
of valuable materials. In this respect an important role has the equipment’s
consumers, this aspect being analysed in the paper. The paper presents the study
based on responses of the people to a questionnaire regarding their behaviour and
awareness relating to the management of own used or unusable mobile phones.
- 2015 fascicula9 nr1 [15]