Methods of Protection of National Architecture Monuments

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Croitoru, Gh.
Colesnic, Ig.
The paper discusses the problem of monuments conservation in terms of
technical implementation and based on the importance of conservation of historical
content, and it helps to skillfully handle the complicated untypical tasks on all
surfaces, be it facade repair, building waterproof, or wood protection.
Also, we studied the causes of weathering and fracture of facade construction
materials of old buildings. In the restoration process, we suggest using materials
from sacrificial, sanitizing and compression plasters and the correct application of
desalination compresses, which is a reliable, effective method of salts removal. In
addition to special sand-blasting and chemical cleaning of dirt, interior walls may
be cleaned using a removable latex film for eliminating contaminants.
- 2013 fascicula9 nr1 [14]