Recycling Possibilities of Metallurgical Slag

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Cioroi, Maria
Nistor (Cristea), Licuța
The target of the current metallurgical industry is to recycle and utilize all their
by-products. Slags are the important wastes and by-products of metallurgical
industry, which have been treated, recycled and used worldwide. The present paper
summarizes results obtained from physical and chemical analyses on blast furnace
slag. The physical structure and gradation of granulated slag depend on the
chemical composition of the slag, its temperature at the time of water quenching,
and the method of production. The chemical reaction between blast furnace slag
and water is slow, but it is greatly enhanced by the presence of free calcium oxide
and free magnesium oxide getting on calcium and magnesium hydroxide. These
alkalis can modify the mechanical properties of slag. It is very important to analyze
the content of the free calcium oxide and free magnesium oxide. Blast furnace slag
is mildly alkaline and exhibits a pH in solution in the range of 10 to 12. Processed
slag exhibits favorable mechanical properties for aggregate use including good
abrasion resistance, and high bearing strength. By our assessments it was proved
that the blast furnace slag from S.C. “Arcelor Mittal Galati” S.A. have comparable
properties of granite. This fact will allow utilizing the slag aggregates on the road
construction, railway embankments, hydrotechnic constructions.
- 2007 fascicula9 nr1 [27]