The Influence of Nonlinear the Elastic Character of Viscoelastic Systems on the Dynamic Response of Mechanical Systems

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Leopa, Adrian
Bridges and viaducts represent vital engineering structures which are component of terrestrial communication lines, therefore reducing their exposure to factor originating from natural or anthropogenic hazards has no optional character, becoming a necessity and a goal of the current modern economy. Combating destructive vibration phenomenon, or in some cases catastrophic, likely to develop in the absence of control techniques, at the running car or during seismic movement of a bridge (viaduct ), is achieved by implementing control systems capable to dissipate the energy accumulated in the system, such as viscoelastic dampers. After prolonged use, these antivibration systems under go structural and functional changes due to viscous and elastic link degradation, thus gaining a nonlinear behavior. This paper represents a theoretical study of the nonlinear behavior influence of the dynamic response of mechanical system in impulsive stress regime.
- 2010 fascicula14 nr2 [18]